Sixty-five optometry and contact lens industry representatives have attended the first Cornea and Contact Lens Society of Australia (CCLSA) dinner in April to learn about the re-energised CCLSA and also to listen to education presentations from Dr. Jenny Choo and Professor Helen Swarbrick.
This follows a significant transformation of the CCLSA recently with the appointment of a dynamic new CEO and President who, together with the organisation’s National Committee, are making membership more attractive than ever.
Since 1962, the CCLSA has promoted clinical research and the exchange of information and experience in the vision correction field. The organisation will continue to fulfil this charter by launching a fresh new look and dynamic website at a meeting of the CCLSA’s Victorian branch in Melbourne on February 24 next year.
According to newly appointed CEO, Ms. Dorothy McDiarmid, the organisation’s new website will become a valuable resource for both CCLSA members and their patients.
“The CCLSA will be placing our members at potential patients’ fingertips with the launch of our new website featuring an online practice finder that allows the public to search for practitioners by name or location nation-wide.
“The site will also feature patient-specific information about common eye conditions and contact lenses, operating as a fantastic patient referral tool for our time-strapped members.
“Our exclusive password-protected members’ section will feature the latest optometric news and information from across the globe, as well as continuing education, research grant and fellowship opportunities with the CCLSA,” said Ms. McDiarmid.
Members who join before the end of this financial year will have their membership extended until June 2010 at no extra cost. Free student membership is also being extended to fourth and fifth year optometry students.
Australian optometrists, ophthalmologists and students can join the CCLSA by calling (AUS) 02 9438 3172 or visiting: www.cclsa.org.au to download an application form.