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Saturday / February 8.
HomeminewsSpectacles for Asian Eyes

Spectacles for Asian Eyes

Research conducted by Essilor has established that people from an Asian ethnicity are not only anatomically different from other ethnic groups, but are also unique in the way they wear their spectacles.

According to the manufacturer, these anatomical differences, and their related wearing conditions, have been addressed by Essilor’s latest customised lens design – Essilor Azio360°.

Essilor Azio360° provides Asian wearers with a lens that is designed and engineered specifically for their eyes. This breakthrough lens design takes into account the three key areas of visual experience that are unique to Asian spectacle wearers: Eye Anatomy, Facial Anatomy and Ergonomics.

The length of an Asian person’s eye is generally longer. The centre of rotation is further away from the eye lens and the optical axis of their eye tends to sweep over a broader area. They also have a less pronounced facial profile and nose bridge and their visual experience is impacted by how the frame sits on the face.

Asian people also tend to move their head closer to the object when reading which requires a higher degree of convergence, so a higher inset value is needed.

Essilor says with recent developments in lens technology, lenses can now be designed digitally with greater precision which leads to improved clarity and performance.

Of course, the performance of a lens design still requires the spectacles to be worn within its required parameters to obtain optimal performance.



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