(Click Here to view the video of the launch)
Julie Heraghty, CEO of the Macular Degeneration Foundation of Australia, has officially launched MD Awareness Week on the 23 May 2010.
A cold and rainy Sunday morning was no deterrent for the VIP guests who attended the event at the HC Coombs Centre, Kirribilli, Sydney. Guest included MD Foundation Director Dr. Paul Beaumont, Patron Ita Buttrose and Jean Kitson, the Queensland Minister for Disability Services and Multicultural Affairs Annastacia Palaszczuk, many MD Foundation volunteers, people with MD, sponsors and media.
Macular Degeneration Awareness Week 2010 will be running from Monday 24 to Sunday 30 May. The theme for MD Awareness Week 2010 is “How’s your macula?”
Macular Degeneration Awareness Week 2010 will be running from Monday 24 to Sunday 30 May. The theme for MD Awareness Week 2010 is “How’s your macula?” This theme will run through the entire campaign including the seven week TV and radio advertising campaign, print and television media and the Australia wide direct mail campaign.
The Australia wide direct mail campaign involves MD information kits being distributed to optometrists, ophthalmologists, orthoptists, pharmacies and healthcare stores, community centres and libraries and both state and federal members of parliament. The kits include “How’s you macula?” posters, stickers and brochures and information to further assist recipients in educating other Australians about Macular Degeneration.
The MD Foundation team will also be out and about in Martin Place, Sydney on Tuesday 25 May talking to the lunchtime crowd and handing out information on Macular Degeneration along with yellow kiwi fruits which are good for eye health thanks to Produce Marketing Australia. This will also be followed up with many free education events around Australia
The MD Foundation is proudly sponsored by Novartis, Blackmores, Optometrists Association Australia and bluedesk.
For more information on MD Awareness Week contact the Foundation on (AUS) 1800 111 709 or visit www.mdfoundation.com.au.