mivision can provide these photos in high resolution. This is a free service to the delegates of the OAA Tasmania 2010 State Congress. To order photos please contact Todd Tai on 02 8336 8614 or email todd@mivision.com.au.
Geoff Squibb, Michelle O'Byrne, Geoff Lawson and Michael Knipe
Todd Tai, Michelle O'Byrne and Geoff Lawson
Susan Henschell, Dorothy McDiarmid and Anna Ocysek from Laser Sight
Phil Anderton and Andrew Harris
Richard Wales and Frank Donegan
Jean Peyper and Andrea Murray
Geraldine MacKriell, Carol Kingshott and the Honorable Adrianna Taylor MLC
Richard Lane, Heather and Dr Alan Johnston
Lauren Kimmel, Karen Hurtdo and Rebecca Youd
Rod Baker and Piers Carozzi
Delegates at Hobarts Parliment House for the opening of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Geoff Squibb, OAA Tasmania State Director
Geoff Squibb, OAA Tasmania State Director
Michelle O'Byrne, Tasmania Minister for Health and Tourism
Delegates at Hobarts Parliment House for the opening of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
John Kingshott
OAA Tasmania Past President John Kingshott
OAA Tasmania Past President John Kingshott presents to Jayne Wilson
OGS Ambassador Geoff Lawson presents at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OGS Ambassador Geoff Lawson presents at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OGS Ambassador Geoff Lawson presents at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Delegates at Hobarts Parliment House for the opening of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OGS Ambassador Geoff Lawson presents at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OGS's Managing Direcytor Ron Baroni models for the World Sight Day Challenge
Delegates at Hobarts Parliment House for the opening of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OGS at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Delegates at Hobarts Parliment House for the opening of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Sponsors of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Dr Paul McCartney presents at the opening night of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
The 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
CooperVision at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Daryl Guest prepares to debate at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Daryl Guest loosing his 'Mo', mid sentence
Andrew Harris defends Medicare at the great debate of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OAA Tasmania President Tim Powell debates for the abolishion of Medicare the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OAA Past President Andrew Hogan defends Medicare at the great debate of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
The Great Debate of the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
OAA Tasmania State Director Geoff Squibb at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
The 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Dr Alan Johnston AM presents 'An Orderley Approach to Low Vision' at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Dr Alan Johnston AM presents 'An Orderley Approach to Low Vision' at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Andrew Maver presents Paediatric Low Vision at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Designs for Vision at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Optometry Giving Sight at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Optical Manufacturers at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
European Eyewear at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Laser Sight at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Baush +Lomb at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Alcon at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Australian Contact Lenses at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
AMO at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Guide Dogs at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
European Eyewear's Graham Sheil presents at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
European Eyewear's Graham Sheil presents at the 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
The 6th Tasmania's Lifestyle Congress
Dr Alex Gentle presents the Annual Keith Mackriell lecture. This years topic, 'The Y's of Therapeutics'
Dr Phil Anderton presents 'How and Why of Contraindication and Side Effects'
Dr. Chi Luu presents 'The Bionic Eye'
Dr Ehud Zamir presents 'Diseases You Could Easily Miss'
Neil Murray presents 'Treating Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Patients'
OAA Tasmania Congress dinner at The Henry Jones Art Hotel, proudly sponsored by CooperVision
OAA Tasmania Congress dinner at The Henry Jones Art Hotel, proudly sponsored by CooperVision
Joe Chakman, Joy Rees and John Rees
Kath and Peter Fleming with Megan Ohara-Sullivan and Dean Sullivan
Andrew Harris, Crystal Legacy and Michale Snipe
Belinda Jefferis and Andrew Harris
CooperVision sponsors the OAA Tasmania Congress dinner at The Henry Jones Art Hotel
CooperVision sponsors the OAA Tasmania Congress dinner at The Henry Jones Art Hotel
Geoff Squibb presents at the OAA Tasmania Congress dinner, proudly sponsored by CooperVision
Tim Powell presents at the OAA Tasmania Congress dinner, proudly sponsored by CooperVision
Tim Powell presents at the OAA Tasmania Congress dinner, proudly sponsored by CooperVision
Tim Powell presents at the OAA Tasmania Congress dinner, proudly sponsored by CooperVision
John Rees accepts Life Time membership
John Rees accepts Life Time membership
OAA Tasmania President Tim Powell presents John Rees with a Life Time membership
Rod Baker and Andrew Hogan
The Australian Contact Lenses breakfast
Bruce Herbert presents at the Australian Contact Lenses breakfast
Bruce Herbert presents at the Australian Contact Lenses breakfast
Bruce Herbert presents at the Australian Contact Lenses breakfast
Noel Brennan presents at the Australian Contact Lenses breakfast