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Wednesday / February 12.
HomemieventsUNSW Eyeball 2011: Sparkling Celebrations

UNSW Eyeball 2011: Sparkling Celebrations

(Click here for more photos taken in the event)

(Click here to see pictures from the photo booth)

Hundreds of optometry students and industry professionals gathered at Sydney’s Ivy Room on Saturday 1 October for the annual University of New South Wales Eyeball, hosted by the UNSW Student Optometry Society.

With the theme of ‘Once Upon a Time’ the entire room came to life with sparkling tiaras and glittering princess outfits. It was an evening of excitement, celebration and prizes galore.

Such social events are not the only benefits from sponsorships, which also support and enable the Student Optometry Society to make resourceful and educative gains

Guests were welcomed by Carina Trinh, President of the Student Optometry Society who expressed her thanks on behalf of the Society to the evening’s sponsors; Specsavers, Designs for Vision and mivison. “Such social events are not the only benefits from sponsorships, which also support and enable the Student Optometry Society to make resourceful and educative gains,” said Ms. Trinh in her address.

Following a seated dinner, five lucky optometry students received prizes, donated by Specsavers, that ranged from iPods to gift vouchers for the best dressed and lucky door competitions. A telescope donated by mivision was won by third year optometry student, Amy Moreland.

A raffle sold to raise funds for Optometry Giving Sight amassed AUD $705 and was won by Timothy Low. His prize was lenses provided by Designs for Vision.

Audience participation was high for the Student Society’s favourite game, ‘True or False’ which had been renamed ‘Specs or Ametropes’ for the occasion. The finalist took home a prize provided by Designs for Vision.

mivision added to the sense of fun by providing a photo booth for the night that enabled students to dress up with props and take funky pictures with fellow classmates.

Thanks to Ms. Trinh and the many event sponsors who created an enjoyable, memorable evening for all of the students and professionals who attended.