An article published in Australian Optometry (July 2012) states there has been recent evidence of internet retailers approaching optometrists to be a ‘provider of record’ and “the outcome of any such agreement could jeopardise an optometrist’s eligibility as a provider under private health insurance arrangements”.
In September 2011, mivision investigated the online company Clearly Contacts, which at that time had been found to be selling non-TGA approved contact lenses within Australia and using an Australian optometrist as its ‘provider of record’ so that consumers could claim a medical insurance rebate. Using the provider’s number, which was quoted on a Clearly Contacts invoice, mivision successfully made contact with the optometrist who refused to confirm her involvement with the scheme.
In its article, Australian Optometry also reported incidents of patients inappropriately claiming health insurance rebates for non-prescription sunglasses. Optometrists that fulfill a patient’s request for a receipt
for the purchase of non-prescription sunglasses are at risk as non–prescription eyewear is not eligible for a health insurance rebate.
Optometrists are advised to contact their Optometry Association of Australia division with any concerns.