Prior to the announcement, endorsed optometrists in the ACT were authorised to prescribe certain medicines and general optometrists were authorised to administer certain medicines listed in the ACT Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008 (MPTGR). The lists published in the MPTGR were previously not consistent with the National List, which resulted in a lack of consistency in optometry practice between the ACT and other States and Territories (most noticeably between the ACT and NSW).
Under the MPTGR amendment, endorsed optometrists are authorised to prescribe prescription only medicines from the National List to the extent necessary to practise optometry. Additionally, optometrists holding general registration are authorised to administer certain medicines during consultations
to the extent necessary to practise optometry.
“These changes mean that ACT optometrists who are therapeutically endorsed may now prescribe from the full Optometry Board list,” said Andrew McKinnon, Chief Executive Officer of OAA NSW.
“This is great news and our thanks go to Genevieve Quilty, Jane Duffy and Vivien Bevan from ACT Health for their work in getting this important change through.”