The court ruled that RailCorp’s failure to make adequate announcements represents indirect discrimination. Mr. Innes was awarded AUD$10,000 in compensation.
Susan Thompson, Advocacy Advisor at Vision Australia and blind traveller, acknowledges the tremendous personal investment Mr. Innes has made to try and bring NSW trains up to standard.
“The personal effort Graeme has put in on behalf of the blindness and low vision community is incredible.
It is a huge win for all people who are blind or have low vision. We really thank him for bringing this issue to attention,” said Susan.
Currently people who are blind or have low vision travel on NSW trains with the constant threat of being carried past their stop…
Currently people who are blind or have low vision travel on NSW trains with the constant threat of being carried past their stop because train announcements are inaudible or simply not made.
And, despite years of promises by the NSW rail operators that digital announcements would solve the problem, there have been minimal improvements over the last decade since the enactment of standards
under the Disability Discrimination Act.