Julie Heraghty CEO of the Macular Disease Foundation Australia stated the Foundation’s annual campaign to raise awareness of macular degeneration, which ran from Sunday 25 to Saturday 31 May 2014, achieved one of the best responses in the generation of media and interest in the 12 years of organising the campaign.
Highlights included television coverage on The Morning Show, Sunrise, ABC News SA, Today Perth News and Win coverage across regional NSW, VIC and QLD. Widespread radio coverage was gained with an Alan Jones 2GB interview of Foundation CEO Julie Heraghty a stand out.
Extensive print coverage included a SMH and Age feature of Patron Ita Buttrose promoting the Macular Degeneration cookbook Eating for Eye Health. Additionally, a vast array of local media was generated by optometrists and ophthalmologists and strong industry support was given online, in print and with Amsler inserts through mivision.
The key message of the campaign was for those over 50 to have an eye test and macula check and to use the Amsler grid between eye tests to monitor for changes in vision.
Ms. Heraghty said, “Macular Degeneration Awareness Week is an initiative of the Macular Disease Foundation Australia and our thanks go to long-term supporters Blackmores and Novartis. Thanks also go to Optometry Australia and the extensive support given by eye health professionals nationally, who raise awareness at a local level. The Foundation also thanks Specsavers who have supported the Foundation through their local community charity program”.