Bailey Nelson’s growing network of 27 boutiques across Australia has signed up to Oculo, an online clinical communications platform, grown out of the Centre for Eye Research Australia, that connects eye care professionals.
Robyn Weinberg, Bailey Nelson’s Eyecare Director, was on an advisory group of optometrists that worked with Oculo right from the start. She said Oculo would enable optometrists “to provide clinical care of the highest quality”.
“Oculo enhances our communication with ophthalmologists and GPs about our patients, as well as the clinical oversight of our practices. It contributes to the great service we offer patients, by streamlining their experience of the referral process,” she said.
Oculo CEO, Dr. Kate Taylor welcomed Bailey Nelson. “It is great to see them take advantage of our integration with Optomate Touch to be able to deliver connected care for their patients,” she said.
Oculo’s growth continues, with over 1,300 optometrists and 390 ophthalmologists now onboard. Bailey Nelson has over 30 boutiques across Australia and New Zealand, and recently opened stores in Canada and the UK.