Opportunities are now available for prestigious University of New South Wales Scientia PhD scholarships in eye health research at The School of Optometry and Vision Sciences (SOVS). Applications for the scholarships close on 20 July 2018.
SOVS has a structured postgraduate program consisting of in-house research seminars, developing students methodological, statistical and research skills and access to the best researchers in Australia and internationally, who are willing to provide their expertise, knowledge, advice and guidance.
Scholarships are available for the following projects:
Development of biologically responsive biomaterials against bacterial colonisation (supervised by Professor Mark Willcox and Dr. Alex Hui, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision).
SOVS has a structured postgraduate program… (with) access to the best researchers in Australia and internationally, who are willing to provide their expertise, knowledge, advice and guidance
Impact of myopia management interventions on the anterior eye (supervised by Dr Alex Hui, A/Professor Isabelle Jalbert and Dr Pauline Kang, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science).
Temporal integration of visual signs (supervised by Dr. Pauline Kang, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science, Dr. Regan Ashby, University of Canberra and A/Professor Isabelle Jalbert, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science).
A biomarker for dry eye disease (supervised by Professor Fiona Stapleton, Dr. Maria Markoulli, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science and Professor Nick Di Girolamo UNSW School of Medical Sciences).
Choroidal melanocytes: ‘dark horses’ of ocular homeostasis and immune regulation (supervised by A/Professor Michele Madigan, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science, Dr. Ling Zhu, University of Sydney, Save Sight Institute, Clinical Ophthalmology and Professor Nick Di Girolamo, UNSW School of Medical Sciences).
The pathogenicity of acanthamoeba organisms in eye infection (supervised by Dr. Nicole Carnt, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science, Dr. Simon Kilvington, Ophtecs Corporation, Kobi, Japan and Professor Torsten Thomas, UNSW School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences).
Uncovering the role of zinc in dry eye disease (supervised by Dr. Blanka Golebiowski, A/Professor Andrew White, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science and Dr. Kathryn Burdon, University of Tasmania, Menzies Institute for Medical Research).
Scholarship Details
The UNSW Scientia PhD scholarships offer successful candidates:
• AU$40,000 per annum stipend for four years (tax free)
• Tuition fees covered for the full four year period (for international and local students)
• Coaching and mentoring as part of your highly personalised career and leadership development plan
• Up to $10,000 each year to build your career and support your international research collaborations.
Further details of each project, the scholarship scheme and the application process can be found on the the UNSW PhD Scientia Scholarships site.