The Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI) Global Myopia Centre has been refreshed with several new features, a new look, and user-friendly navigation. The one-stop resource platform aims to bring together available expertise and resources in myopia research, innovation, education and global advocacy efforts to educate the eye care community and equip them to manage the impending myopia escalation.
“We are delighted to launch the new Global Myopia Centre to the eye care profession – and the community – during Myopia Awareness Week 2019,” says Yvette Waddell, BHVI CEO. We are delivering the most critical knowledge in myopia research, practitioner training and technology through a refreshed platform, to better assist optometrists operating in – or looking to move into – managing myopia in practice.”
The website provides access to a number of online tools specifically designed to help practitioners in the field of myopia management. New features include editorials and academic blogs, authored by leading experts in myopia management as well as emerging researchers at BHVI.
“You’ll find dynamic content that is evolving and updated regularly to help practitioners respond to the challenges of managing the rising myopia epidemic,” says Head of the Global Myopia Centre, Padmaja Sankaridurg. “Our aim is to keep the profession current in the myopia space with recent articles, innovation and academic reviews presented in a ‘short and sharp’ format. Users are able to download many of the resources available for later perusal or use in their own area of practice. Many of these tools are free, as our service to the optometry profession.”
To access the new Global Myopia Centre visit