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Monday / February 10.
HomeminewsLabelling Issues Drive Recall for Oscar Wylee and Bailey Nelson

Labelling Issues Drive Recall for Oscar Wylee and Bailey Nelson

Oscar Wylee and Bailey Nelson have recalled sunglasses which do not comply with mandatory labelling that identifies the lens category and amount of UV radiation protection provided by the glasses.

There is no suggestion the lenses themselves were defective or not compliant, but without the correct labels attached, the products did not comply with the mandatory standard

For Bailey Nelson, the recall concerned specific styles (plano sunglasses and plano clip-ons) sold from 1 May, 2019 to 17 August, 2019.

Peter Winkle, CEO of Bailey Nelson

Peter Winkle, CEO of Bailey Nelson told mivision that the ACCC had issued his company with notifications regarding two issues relating to sunglass labelling, which Bailey Nelson had sought to address through a voluntary recall initiated in August this year.

“Firstly, in what is thought to be isolated instances between May and July, sunglasses were provided without a label attached. And secondly, from 1 July, our labels were not updated to comply with the new mandatory standard,” Mr Winkle told mivision.

“There is no suggestion the lenses themselves were defective or not compliant, but without the correct labels attached, the products did not comply with the mandatory standard.

“We notified all customers directly by email that could potentially have been affected, where we had contact details available. We also published product safety recall notices on the counter of all stores across Australia. We offer a full refund for any customers concerned.”

Mr Winkle said all sunglasses labels have been updated as per the new mandatory standards, and procedures are in in place to ensure these labels are provided to all customers at the time of purchase.

Bailey Nelson has encouraged customers with questions or concerns to contact their nearest Bailey Nelson store via email or phone, or to contact Bailey Nelson’s customer service team on (AUS) 02 9098 9322 Monday to Friday, 9am – 5.30pm or via email on info@baileynelson.com.au.

Oscar Wylee Recall Wider Reaching

The Oscar Wylee recall was more far-reaching, involving all sunglasses sold nationally from July 2017 to June 2019.

Mivision asked Oscar Wylee to respond to a series of questions about the  recall notice issued, however no response was received.

The recall notice on Oscar Wylee’s website says “between July 2017 to June 2019 you may have purchased a frame that did not come with a Sun Protection Label. Labels may have inadvertently become detached or were not presented to you at the point of purchase.”

Oscar Wylee states that all of its sunglasses “have always offered Australian standard sun protection, tested according to AS/NZS 1067:1:2016”.

Sunglass purchasers are invited to visit an Oscar Wylee retail store with their purchased frame to receive the corresponding sun protection information.

Mandatory Standard Update

A new mandatory standard for sunglass labelling was updated on 26 October 2017 and had a transitional period which allowed compliance with the previous Consumer Protection Notice No.13 of 2003 until 30 June 2019.

The mandatory standard for sunglasses and fashion spectacles includes:

  • Non-prescription sunglasses mounted in a spectacle frame,
  • Rimless sunshields and one-piece visors,
  • Clip-on and slip-on type sunglasses,
  • Children’s sunglasses, and
  • Fashion spectacles and light tint sunglasses.

The mandatory standard does not apply to:

  • Prescription and readymade spectacles,
  • Safety glasses and safety goggles intended to provide protection against optical radiation other than from the suns
  • Eyewear for protection against radiation in solarias
  • Eye protectors for sport, and
  • Glasses for use as toys and clearly and legibly labelled as toys.

For more information click here.


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