Optometry Australia (OA) members have welcomed a 50% discount on 2021 membership fees being offered across the country, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a member survey conducted by OA in May 2020, 93% of all members cited access to the discount was “extremely valuable” or “very valuable”. The majority (90%) said they felt well supported or highly supported by OA during the pandemic.
Despite the reduced revenue that will be generated by the Association as a result of the discounted fees, OA has stated that it remains committed to providing excellent member value and has no plans to reduce services.
“To cover any income shortfall, the organisation will access funds from reserves,” CEO Lyne Brodie told mivision. “Our operational budgets remain as planned and include special projects to ensure we can further support the membership with innovative initiatives. Optometry Australia has always been diligent in managing our investments to ensure that we have access to funds in case of the type of crisis situation that the pandemic generated.”