AHPRA registered optometrists and ophthalmologists are invited to participate in a research project on ocular allergies.
Part of a PhD, the research is being undertaken by a team at Deakin University who aim to interview health practitioners on their attitudes, perspectives, experiences, and influences regarding ocular allergy. The research team comprises Ereeny Mikhail, A/Prof Cenk Suphioglu, Dr Serap Azizoglu, Dr Moneisha Gokhale, Dr Mohammadreza Mohebbi, and Dr Khyber Alam. The study has received Deakin University Ethics Approval (reference number: SEBE-2022-73).
the research (team)… aim to interview health practitioners on their attitudes, perspectives, experiences, and influences regarding ocular allergy
You are eligible to take part in this study if you are an optometrist, or ophthalmologist, who is AHPRA registered, practising in Australia and fluent in English. If you are in these health fields but are not fully qualified (i.e. students, interns, residents, registrars, and/or in training) or are any other health practitioner not mentioned, you are ineligible.
If you agree to be involved, the researchers will organise a day and time with you to be personally interviewed via Zoom. The interview will take a maximum of 60 minutes and will be audio recorded – video is not required.
Participation is confidential and voluntary. You are under no obligation to take part.
If you are interested and would like to receive a copy of the Plain Language Statement, or further information, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected].