Wavelight plus* is the first fully tailored refractive treatment that accounts for the unique optical system of each person, including the cornea, anterior chamber, and crystalline lens.1
The wavelight plus all-in-one sightmap diagnostic device combines biometry, tomography, and wavefront to create a virtual three-dimensional eye model and individualised treatment plan.1 Even complex cases can now achieve better than 20/20 vision,2 unlocking a new world of possibilities for both patients and surgeons.
Contact: Alcon Account Manager
*Wavelight plus is the alternative equivalent tradename for InnovEyes treatment.
- Mrochen, M., Bueler, M., Donitzky, C., Seiler, T., Optical ray tracing for the calculation of optimized corneal ablation profiles in refractive treatment planning. J Refract Surg. 2008;24:S446–S451.
- Alcon data on file, 2021. RFP911-P001 Postmarket study of outcomes from waveLight EX500 InnovEyes – V-RIM-0063613. ANZ-IVS-2400002