Gerber Coburn has recently completed a business review of its product portfolios and business model and has reorganised its sales team to more effectively to service you, our customer, at both the Wholesale and Retail Level.
All Wholesale Sales enquiries will now be handled by Geoff Marett. Geoff has had over 37 years experience in the optical industry and over 23 years of service with Gerber Coburn. He specialises in the Wholesale portion of the business and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from. Geoff will assume responsibility for the Australia/New Zealand Wholesale Market.
The Retail sector of the market will continue to be overseen by Monique Brand who has been Key Retail Account Manager for the last two years. She will also take on the role of Regional Manager and be responsible for the overall operation in Australia/New Zealand. All general enquiries should continue to be directed to our experienced Customer Service Centre staff on (AUS) 1800 888 266.