Although it was recently acquired by Abbott Medical Optics (AMO), Advanced Medical Optics, which has been a long time sponsor of Optometry Giving Sight, will continue to support the organisation.
And to prove the claim, Ron Baroni, Head of AMO Australia and New Zealand, presented a cheque for AUD$100,000 to Optometry Giving Sight at the SRC in May.
“We are delighted to continue to support Optometry Giving Sight as Patron National Sponsors,” said Ron.
“Optometry Giving Sight’s work complements our promise, ‘Vision for Life’, and enables us to give back and help give sight to the millions of people who suffer uncorrected refractive error in developing communities,” he added.
In addition to the company’s financial contribution, AMO also encourages its staff and customers to support Optometry Giving Sight through regular giving and campaigns such as ‘Seeing Eye to Eye’.
Trade Fair Winners
At Queensland Vision and SRC, about 50 per cent of delegates entered the AMO ‘blink Intensive Tears’ competition.
Hennie Ferreira from Optical Warehouse won the Apple iPhone from AMO’s ‘blink Intensive Tears’ Competition at Queensland Vision and Kevin Chan, a final year student at the University of Melbourne, who will join OPSM when he graduates at the end of the year, won the Apple iPhone from AMO’s ‘blink Intensive Tears’ competition at the SRC in May.