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Saturday / February 8.
HomemilastwordThe Last Word: Happiness

The Last Word: Happiness

Dr. Timothy Sharp, AKA Dr. Happy, is one of Australia’s leaders in the exciting new science of positive psychology and happiness.

An author on the topic of happiness and sought after speaker, Dr. Sharp says: “True happiness might include a degree of material and vocational success but research strongly suggests that it also depends on factors such as good health; having a sense of direction and life purpose; optimistic thinking; life control; good quality relationships; and in whatever way you wish to define it, spirituality”.

He cites these 10 steps to happiness:

1. Make a decision to be happy and know that real happiness is possible. Happiness is essentially a choice but you need to believe it is achievable.

2. Determine what happiness means to you. Work out what’s important in your life and what you need to do to get more of it in to your life.

3. Think optimistically about achieving the life you want to achieve. Henry Ford once said “If you think you can or you can’t, you’re right”.

4. Don’t go alone. It might be a cliché but life is a journey and there’s no doubt that the journey will be far more enjoyable if you’re accompanied by people who are important to you and to whom you are important.

5. Get organised. Success and happiness, however, they’re defined require a certain degree of good management.

6. Live a healthy life. Happiness and success are more likely to be yours if you eat well, keep active, and ensure you get enough sleep and rest.

7. Meditate and relax. For many people formal meditation or relaxation skills can be extremely beneficial. The ability to keep calm in different circumstances is very helpful in so many ways.

8. Find a sense of spirituality. This can take many forms but do what you can to develop a sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

9. Plan your happiness. Many people believe that happiness should come “naturally”. But in the same way you’re more likely to achieve your financial, vocational, health and other goals if you have a clear plan, so too are you more likely to achieve your happiness goals if you have some sort of happiness plan.

10. Persevere. Stick at it. Although there are a few to whom happiness comes easily, for many people it will require some degree of diligence.

One of the manifestations of happiness is laughter and there is much clinical evidence that humour and the associated laughter can benefit a person’s health in many ways. Thus the adage that “laughter is the best medicine”.

Albert Schweitzer once ironically said: “Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory”.

According to a more serious Bertrand Russell: “If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years”.



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