ALBALON RELIEF is an effective OTC lubricating, decongestant eye drop from Allergan that relieves red, irritated eyes1.
Containing phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.12%, ALBALON® RELIEFTM has a topical decongestant vasoconstrictive action which relieves minor eye irritations caused by colds, hayfever, dust, smog, contact lenses, sun, wind, swimming and allergy1. ALBALON® RELIEFTM is preservative-free and available in a pack of five convenient, take-anywhere single-dose vials.
Patients wearing soft contact lenses should be instructed to remove their lenses prior to instilling ALBALON® RELIEFTM and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting the lenses. ALBALON® RELIEFTM should not to be used in the presence of glaucoma or other serious eye conditions.
One or two drops should be instilled in the affected eye(s). Patients should be informed instillation can be repeated every three to four hours as needed and prolonged use may be harmful.
Always read the label and recommend only as directed.
1 ALBALON® RELIEFTM Product Information, Allergan Data on File, May 2004.
Allergan Australia Pty Ltd, 810 Pacific Highway Gordon NSW 2072.
ABN 85 000 612 831. ® and TM are registered trademarks of Allergan, Inc. ANZ/0061/2010