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Monday / February 10.
Homemieditorialmivision Issue 51, Oct 2010

mivision Issue 51, Oct 2010

Welcome to the October issue of mivision.

This month, the HSC starts for thousands of students of which only a few hundred will take up optometric studies. Which brings us to one of the great optometric researchers of his time, Professor Nathan Efron, the world renowned contact lens expert. Nathan Efron has just been awarded the Optometric version of the Nobel Prize – the American Academy of Optometry Glenn A. Fry Lecture Award – which recognises a distinguished scientist or clinician’s current research contributions.

In this issue we look at the amazing career of Nathan Efron which has taken him from his hometown of Melbourne to head up the faculty of Optometry at Manchester University and back to Australia where he now resides at Queensland’s University of Technology. It’s a journey that has given him the respect and admiration of the entire optometric world.

In our lead story, Ms. Debbie Narunsky and Ms. Britt Fang, final year optometry students at the University of New South Wales, look at the impact on optometry of the introduction of therapeutics in America a couple of decades ago, to paint the picture of how this significant development may impact the future of eye care in Australia.

In our lead story, Ms. Debbie Narunsky and Ms. Britt Fang, final year optometry students at the University of New South Wales, look at the impact on optometry of the introduction of therapeutics in America a couple of decades ago, to paint the picture of how this significant development may impact the future of eye care in Australia.

Elsewhere in this issue, Dr. Victoria Evans has a look at long-term studies on contact lenses a decade after silicone hydrogel lenses were first launched onto the market. And, Dr. Percy Lazon de la Jara, discusses the application of antimicrobial surfaces to lenses and lens cases. He suggests it could be the next step in the battle against microorganisms to increase the safety and efficacy of contact lens wear.

Following the recent deadly floods in Pakistan, mivision received a heartfelt plea from Pakistani optometrist Ifrah Bukhari based in Lahore. It came about as a result of an appeal we ran on our Facebook page in August. Touched by our appeal, Ifrah wrote to mivision about the effects of the once-in-five generations flood and its devastating legacy, which we have run in full.

Our business section is a ‘must read’ for those who want to stay on top of the game. Mark Overton says practices must change the way they operate to meet the ever changing demands of a dynamic market, while John Lees explains that people in business generally fall into one of three categories – they are either ‘victors,’ ‘visitors’ or ‘victims’.

We welcome Professor Jonathan Crowston as a contributor to mivision. This issue he writes his first regular research column on one of the biggest problems facing eye care professionals, that of, patient non-compliance.

And we believe our Last Word column on avarice is well worth reading. Hopefully it will give us all food for thought!

Enjoy this issue.

Mark Cushway


News: The latest news on optics from Australia, New Zealand and around the world.

mistory: With Australian optometrists embracing therapeutic prescribing rights, what can be learnt from the US?

mifeature: mivision talks to Professor Nathan Efron, Australia’s ‘gold medal’ optical researcher.

mifeature: mivision talks Prof. Gerard Sutton about becoming the inaugural Sydney Medical School Foundation Professor of Corneal and Refractive Surgery.

mifeature: Vision Group’s founder Dr. Harry Unger about the direction the troubled company has taken since his departure

mifeature: Pakistani optometrist Ifran Bukhari calls for the eye care community to help her country.

miophthalmology: Dr. David McKay takes a look at what we know about age related macular degeneration, the first of a three part series.

micolumn: The former coach for the Pakistan Cricket Team Geoff Lawson dedicates his monthly column to helping this country in need.

mioptometry: The OAA state divisions report on the important happenings and events that effect members of their local optometry division.

mioptometry event: Read the full report on the OAA WA’s successful WAVE 2010 Congress.

miresearch: Patient compliance is one of the most challenging aspects facing the eye care industry – Professor Jonathan Crowston reviews the research.

miequipment: The innovative MPOD promises a definitive way to measure macular pigment levels.

mieyecare: Dr. Percy Lazon de la Jara considers the application of antimicrobial surfaces to contact lenses and lens cases to beat the bugs.

mieyecare: Dr. Victoria Evans reviews studies on extended wear lenses, a decade after their launch.

mibusiness: Business victor, visitor or victim? Business coach John Lees knows what it takes to climb to the top of the business pyramid.

mibusiness: Business consultant Mark Overton provides advises readers on how to embrace change.

mibusiness: Self-employed eye care professionals should give serious consideration to a complete insurance protection plan writes Mark Sacks

miproducts: The latest optical products from Australia, New Zealand and around the world.

mifashion news: The latest fashion news in optics from Australia, New Zealand and around the world.

mifashion: Consumers need active eyewear that flows seamlessly from street to sport. We look at the latest in sports and adventure eyewear.

The Last Word: Gordon Gecko once said “Greed is Good…”? Is it? In this months Last Word we discuss the pros and cons of avarice.


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