Avaira is a two-weekly replacement silicone hydrogel lens manufactured using CooperVision’s Aquaform Comfort Science technology.
Aquaform technology means less siloxane needs to be incorporated into the Avaira lens material to achieve high levels of oxygen transmissibility. The result is a contact lens with low modulus (MPa: 0.5), high oxygen permeability (Dk: 100) and high water content (H2O: 46 per cent).
In fact, Avaira is 30 per cent softer, and has 20 per cent higher water content than Acuvue Oasys1.
Avaira comes in a wide range of sphere parameters, and is also available in a toric. In a recent study, vs Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism, Avaira Toric was preferred by two out of three patients2.
Avaira comes in a wide range of sphere parameters, and is also available in a toric. In a recent study, vs Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism, Avaira Toric was preferred by two out of three patients
For more information, contact CooperVision Customer Service on FreeCall (AUS): 1800 655 480 or (NZ): 0800 60 60 60.