mivision can provide these photos in high resolution. This is a free service to the delegates of WAVE 2011. To order photos please contact Todd Tai on +61 2 8336 8614 or email todd@mivision.com.au. Photography by Jessie Lee Hultgren Helen Venturo, Trevor Inglis and Michael McInerneyTodd Tai and Will RobertsonTodd Spencer, Steve Georgonicas and Jason BowenVijay Mistry, Roman Serebrianik, Michael Zajak, Laura Downie and Todd TaiDaryl Guest and Colin WaldronRon Baroni, Robyn Wren and Todd TaiCarole Saville, Daniel Tilia and Luis NunuraKarlene White, Amy McAllan and Florence SunGary and Glenda Cullenane with Kosta and Melissa PlattGary Wyatt, Theo Claussens and Todd (Diablo) SpencerJess Hudson, Sasha Sergejev, Adam Fletcher and Gavin CrispDarrell Baker welcomes delegates to the WAVE 2011 Perth Scientific Conference DinnerGeoff Gorton welcomes delegates to the WAVE 2011 Perth Scientific Conference DinnerPeter Cullen, Peter Larsen and Wendy JonesTeshawna Zuzarte, Raj Sundarjee, Satvinder Bansal and Gunveer BansalPallavi Shah, Sachit Shah and Bradley ScottDarrell Baker, Christine Sieg, Lily Wegrzynowski and Peter MurphySue Secker and Tony MartellaJulie and Craig NightLily Wegrzynowski and Peter MurphyDarrell Baker, Christine SiegDarrell Baker and Todd TaiBjron Russell and Matt RebeiroFlorence Sun and Karlene WhiteSteve Oxby, William Robertson, Helen Venturato, Geoff Gorton and Joe JustoRobert Cosentino and Lynette Gardener