All About Vision has launched an online campaign to fund eye exams and spectacles for people in developing nations.
Each new ‘Like’ of All About Vision’s Facebook page will generate a AUD$5 donation to Optometry Giving Sight now through the end of November.
“Just AUD$5 can provide an eye exam and glasses to one person through Optometry Giving Sight funded programs,” said Clive Miller, CEO for Optometry Giving Sight.
“A pair of glasses can be life-transforming for someone without access to eye care. For some, it can mean the difference between a life of poverty and a life of opportunity.”
A pair of glasses can be life-transforming for someone without access to eye care.
There are at least 670 million people worldwide who are blind or vision impaired due to uncorrected refractive error. Optometry Giving Sight helps fund the solution by providing eye care services throughout parts of the world.
To ‘Like’ AllAboutVision.com on Facebook, go to www.facebook.com/allaboutvision.