Eyetech CPD, in conjunction with Contact Lens Centre Australia and Paragon Vision Sciences, invites you to attend a CRT seminar and fitting workshop.
This intensive 1-day course will review the basic principles of fitting and prescribing CRT lenses and then go on to tackle more advanced topics in the afternoon, including the Dual Axis design for peripheral corneal astigmatism. Clinical workshops will illustrate aspects of fitting spherical and astigmatic corneas with assessment of patient outcome in each case.
According to Graham Lehman, Technical Consultant at the Contact Lens Centre Australia, the Paragon CRT methodology helped leading US optometrist Dr. Nick Despotidis turn his practice around. “Nick is probably the most successful fitter of the Paragon System in the US. He has been working with the system for quite a few years now but when he first started, he made a lot of mistakes with orthokeratology. He took a good look at what he was doing and he figured out new management processes to make the system work more efficiently and strategies to empower his staff. Now he’s turning over millions of dollars a year in orthokeratology alone, and he’s running seminars to help other optometrists make the most from Paragon CRT system.
“We’ll be giving away copies of Dr. Despotidis’ book and links to his presentations at the seminar, because understanding how to integrate CRT into your practice is essential to its success,” he said.
Mr. Lehman said because places at the seminar are limited, optometrists should book early to take advantage of this unique opportunity to maximise profits.
Where: To be held in the Board Room, Sheraton Mirage Resort & Spa, Gold Coast, Qld.
When: Thursday 5 July (day before the OSO conference), 2012 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Fee: AUD$385.00 – GST inclusive (Payable to Eyetech CPD)
CPD: An application for 21 CPD points has been submitted.
The course is to be conducted by well-known Australian optometrists Russell Lowe and Laura Downie, and Pat Caroline from the USA has kindly agreed to assist. Also attending will be Paul Michael Hawkins from Paragon Vision Sciences USA.
To book for this unique event contact Graham Lehman on the following: [email protected] or call (AUS) 0410 481 159.