South Australian and Victorian optometrists will have the opportunity to participate in a series of free workshops on evidence-based practice by some of the leading researchers in optometry over the coming months.
The Victorian workshops will be run by A/Prof Peter Keller and Dr. Laura Downie from the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences at the University of Melbourne. Dr. Downie is also a regular contributor to the mivision journal.
The Victorian workshops, funded by a VOTE (Victorian Optometrists Training and Education) Trust grant, are free.
Dr. Downie said the evening workshops will be highly interactive and cover ‘Hot Topics in Optometry’, including nutrition and age-related macular degeneration, dry eye disease, and myopia control, through the use of clinical case scenarios.
The first workshop is scheduled for 21 January 2014, with further workshops scheduled in March and May. Contact Dr. Downie for further information: [email protected].
Adelaide Masterclass
Meanwhile, Flinders University is also holding a series of masterclass sessions that will explore the latest clinical optometry research and the ways to evaluate and incorporate research outcomes into optometry practice.
Dr. Downie will also speak at the Adelaide sessions. Other presenters include Isabelle Jalbert, Rod Baker, Brad Kirkwood and Konrad Pesudovs.
The masterclass series – to be held on 7–8 April 2014 – will consider opportunities for translation of research into clinical practice in the areas of Paediatric Optometry, Therapeutic Optometry, Contact lens and Refractive Correction and Screening for Disease.
For information contact Nicola Robinson at Flinders University: [email protected]