A book written by Professor Gerard Sutton and Dr. Michael Lawless aims to bust myths and answer questions associated with corrective surgery.
Dr Michael Lawless said he and Prof. Sutton wrote The Naked Eye, because “no-one has written up the remarkable history of laser eye surgery, which actually goes back to the 1930s and some very gutsy surgeons, not to mention their patients, in far flung places from Japan to Russia to Colombia”.
“Of the five senses, vision is the most astonishing. And although the eye has evolved over millions of years to give us crystal clear vision, it is a modern day phenomenon that, in evolutionary terms, our eyesight is going backwards,” said Dr. Lawless. “In parts of East Asia up to 90 per cent of school leavers are now short-sighted. This has been attributed to work, study and lifestyle factors as well as the ageing of the population. And whilst we all know there have been some amazing advances in modern medicine, what seems to have escaped everyone’s attention is the revolution that has taken place in laser eye surgery,” he added.
Professor Sutton said the book was intended to be an easy read that gives accurate, and entertaining information on what laser vision correction is and what it means to someone contemplating it.
“We wanted to explain everything from 20/20 vision to the revolution of the femtosecond laser – enabling someone to have an informed conversation with their ophthalmologist about a surgical solution for clearer vision,” he said. “It is not unusual to hear our patients describe the surgery as miraculous. For many others however, fear of the unknown prevents them considering this option. We hope this book will help people understand what it can and cannot do.”
Profits from The Naked Eye – How the revolution of laser surgery has unshackled the human eye will be donated to the Sydney Eye Foundation.
The book can be purchased through bookshops and online retailers or by contacting A.K.A Publishing,
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