Karen Walker Eyewear has partnered with the Ethical Fashion Initiative to produce pouches for the latest Karen Walker Visible Eyewear campaign.
Kenyan artisan groups have crafted simple, screen-printed pouches for inclusion with every pair of Karen Walker Eyewear. Additionally, more elaborate and embellished versions, also made by Kenyan artisan groups, are available to buy separately.
As well as promoting the traditional craft and handy-work of the Kenyan artisans, Karen, who hails from New Zealand, has also chosen to highlight some of the artisans themselves as this season’s campaign stars. The people photographed include machinists, cutters, tailors, production managers and metal workers as well as members of the Maasai group who create the more elaborate beading work.
“We’re delighted that this season’s eyewear collection will be making a real and meaningful impact upon the people of this community,” said Karen Walker, speaking of her ‘Visible’ campaign. She said the images used to promote her 2014 collection will also “help to bring visibility to this place, these people and the work of the Ethical Fashion Initiative.”
The Ethical Fashion Initiative’s motto is “Not Charity, Just Work” and their aim is to promote sustainable business over aid dependency. The model is based on joint product development coupled with artisanal manufacturing, which allows micro-producers from the developing world to produce directly for brands that distribute products worldwide.
Visit www.karenwalkereyewear.com