MDeyes Once Daily delivers a complete and affordable AREDS 2 low zinc formula in a convenient soft gel capsule.
The Once Daily formula simplifies AREDS 2 supplementation, and the compliance prompting packaging, with calendar labelling on the foil, helps patients keep track of their daily dosage. Blister packaging also maintains the freshness of each capsule till the last dose.
MDeyes is owned by Phasem Health, a private Australian healthcare company, and manufactured in
Australia to the highest therapeutic standards. According to Phasem Health, it features all of the specific quality ingredients used in the AREDS 2 clinical trial including FloraGlo Lutein and Optisharp Zeaxanthin. MDeyes proudly supports Optometry Giving Sight and Sight for All.
Contact: (AUS) 07 3056 0960 or (NZ) 0800 443 652.
Email: info@mdeyes.com.au