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Monday / February 10.
HomeminewsOptometrists Gain Hands-On IOL Experience

Optometrists Gain Hands-On IOL Experience

Optometrists have gained hands-onsurgical experience at an interactive educational event hosted in a wet laboratory by refractive surgeon Dr. Patrick Versace and optometrist Emmanuel Calligeros.

The event was hosted at the new East Sydney Private Hospital.Dr. Versace, who has performed many thousands of refractive surgical procedures, presented to optometrists on new technologies behind multifocal intraocular lenses.

He described Oculentis MF20 rotationally asymmetric sectorial multi-focal IOL, explaining that this new lens design differs from traditional refractive and diffractive IOLs, which are based on rings and often produce a halo effect. He said that much like a multifocal spectacle lens, a small segment at the base of the new lens creates near vision and lets in more light. Because the IOL is fixed in place behind the pupil, it is viewed inline with the visual axis.

Emmanuel Calligeros, an optometrist of 30 years standing, and now head of professional development at the Brien Holden Vision Institute, spoke about how to navigate through clinical technology. Attendees were invited into the operating theatres to experiment with femtosecond laser on an artificial eye, try phacoemulsification, load intra-ocular lenses and use the Topcon Maestro OCT.

Orthoptist Jodie Coates, who works with equipment supplier Device Technologies, said the evening in mid-August was invaluable because it provided a level of understanding that enabled optometrists to better educate patients about forthcoming surgical procedures. “Optometrists have long term relationships with the patients, which means they are most likely to have more intimate conversations with patients about their eye health concerns. With a greater familiarity of what happens in surgery, they can have more in-depth discussions about options, and help alleviate any patient anxiety,” said Ms. Coates.

A second educational evening is planned for those who missed out. Email marketing@device.com.au to express an interest.


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