1-Day Acuvue Moist Brand Multifocal is an industry first: the only multifocal contact lens that has been created with uniquely optimised optic designs to address the natural variations in pupil size according to age and refractive power.1
The lens is available in 183 unique design profiles and clinical studies have shown that 94 per cent of patients can be successfully fitted with two pairs of lenses or less.2 The product launched in Australia and New Zealand in September 2015 and in the same year, the design received the prestigious Silmo d’Or vision award in recognition of technological innovation and creativity, at Silmo in Paris.
Contact: Acuvue Business Development Manager
1. JJVC Data on file 2014 (MF designed for the aging eye)
2. JJVC Data on file 2015 (Fit and comfort claims)