A series of resources commissioned by Primary Health Tasmania and written by Consultant Pharmacy Services will help clinicians when considering prescribing.
One of those resources, written by clinical pharmacists Drs. Shane Jackson, Mark Naunton and ophthalmologist David Wechsler focuses on the use of topical ophthalmic agents in the management of glaucoma.
The Deprescribing Glaucoma Eye Drops guideline aims to provide information to treating medical practitioners in the use of topical ophthalmic agents in patients with a limited prognosis.
Based on expert opinion, it provides treating medical practitioners with clinical guidance about stopping topical ophthalmic agents when the risks of using these agents may outweigh the benefits.
The resource on deprescribing topical ophthalmic agents can be accessed at www.primaryhealthtas.com.au/resources/deprescribing-glaucoma-eye-drops