Applications are open for 2017 entry to the University of Sydney’s Cataract and Refractive Surgery programme. Designed and coordinated by Professor Gerard Sutton and Clinical Associate Professor Michael Lawless, with contributions from local and international specialists, the course equips students with detailed knowledge of the theory and practice of refractive cataract and corneal laser surgery.
Described by Dr Siew-Yin as “comprehensive, well-structured and stimulating”, the course provides students with an understanding of the appropriate selection of candidates for surgery, the surgical techniques involved and how to deal with any complications that may arise.
Following a comprehensive review of the curriculum in 2016, the course includes:
• Experience in corneal and intraocular techniques
• How to get the best from toric IOLs
• Exposure to the new SMILE laser eye surgery technique
• Clinical placements in an accredited refractive surgical centre
• Time in the surgical skills lab at the Sydney Eye Hospital
Dr Siew-Yin said the course, which comprises online components complimented by intensive face-to-face practicals, offered the flexibility he needed. “As a busy general ophthalmologist in solo private practice, this course has provided me with the skills and knowledge to optimise my refractive outcomes following cataract surgery, and the confidence to begin offering other refractive techniques and technology to my patients.”
Students with recognised prior learning in Ophthalmic Anatomy and Ophthalmic Optics can apply for credit for these two subjects, which will reduce the duration and cost of the programme by up to 50 per cent.
For information email: ophthalmology.education@sydney.edu.au