Almost all patients prefer the newest multifocal contact lenses over their habitual lenses, according to two studies, one on patient satisfaction with the Bausch & Lomb Ultra for Presbyopia multifocal CL and one on Alcon Dailies Total 1. Each found 90 per cent of those surveyed preferred the newer lenses to their old ones.
Patients completed two surveys; one about their experience and satisfaction with their habitual contact lens, and one about the new lenses after one to two weeks of wear.
Ninety-two percent of patients fitted with Alcon Dailies Total 1 reported feeling comfortable at the end of the day, 81 per cent said, compared with their previous lenses, they felt less dry at the end of the day, 78 per cent reported clear vision near to far, with smooth transitions in between, and 81per cent said vision was clear when using digital devices.
Eighty-six percent of patients surveyed about Bausch & Lomb Ultra for Presbyopia reported comfortable vision for all distances. Among previous CL wearers, 76 per cent reported ‘ease’ at near distance with the Ultra Presbyopia lenses, (27 per cent reported this for their habitual prescription); 80 per cent reported ‘ease’ at intermediate distance (46 per cent for habitual lenses), and 77 per cent ‘ease’ with distance vision (61 per cent for habitual lenses).
Findings were presented at an American Optometric Association (AOA) optometry meeting and reported online in Medscape.