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Tuesday / January 21.
HomemiproductsDaytona Plus

Daytona Plus

The Daytona plus provides ultra-widefield digital images of 200 degrees or up to 82 per cent of the retina in a single non-contact optomap image. Optomap images provide three in one colour depth imaging, including the sensory view, choroidal view and composite colour. The Daytona plus also produces autofluorescence images with green laser, displaying lipofusion in the retinal pigment epithelium.

Early signs of many ocular pathologies and diseases may first present in the retinal periphery and can initially go undetected using traditional examination techniques and equipment. Optomap can image past the equator, helping you find disease sooner and treat it more effectively. According to Optos, images are a proven tool for effective decision making, backed by over 500 clinical studies.

Contact: Optos Account Manager