Medical students are able to replicate eye examinations and learn to diagnose hard-tospot conditions using a new virtual reality tool developed by UK academics.
The new application uses a mobile phone and a virtual reality headset to show enhanced, close-up and moveable images of an eye’s interior. Additionally, it allows them to spend time over their diagnoses and test themselves on which conditions are present.
In doing so, it overcomes difficulties associated with trainees finding and examining patients with particular ailments.
The system was produced by Dr. Wilson and Jake O’Connor, coders at Birmingham City University’s School of Computing and Digital Technology, in collaboration with Professor David Carruthers, Medical Director at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals Trust.
it overcomes difficulties associated with trainees finding and examining patients with particular ailments
Currently the app is routinely used to support medical education at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals Trust. Medical professionals across Europe and as far as South America are also making use of the application.
Professor David Carruthers, Medical Director at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals Trust, said, “This collaboration has helped develop novel approaches to medical education that is popular amongst students. It allows them to simulate the process of ophthalmoscopic examination of the back of the eye in a systematic way.
“Common pathological changes are also demonstrated which will help with recognition of abnormalities in real patients in their future practice. Future developments may allow simulated examination of other organ systems to support traditional medical training.”