Veronica Kypros, Executive Director of The Australasian College of Behavioural Optometry (ACBO) will end her term of office in July, following the 2019 ACBO National Conference.
ACBO President Steve Leslie said “I met with our Executive Director Veronica Kypros earlier in the year to discuss her plans for the future, and Veronica has informed the ACBO board that she plans to retire from ACBO service after NACBO in July. Naturally the ACBO Board is very saddened Veronica is retiring, but we can also understand after ten years of incredible work to develop behavioural optometry and ACBO in Australia, that she would like to lead a slightly quieter life and explore other possibilities.”
Established in 1987, ACBO has approximately 450 members, 90% of whom are in independent practice. It has seen a 45% membership growth since 2011.
In 2019 the organisation launched the Every Patient Every Day program, an online learning program as a qualifier for membership. The program is mandatory for new members, and existing members are being encouraged to complete it. As well as providing the course in Australia, it is offered in India via the Indian Optometry Association, and in the Philippines. Discussions with other international organisations are in progress.