Thalia Lim received the Mivision Prize in Recognition of Social Engagement which recognises students that have demonstrated excellence in communication, advocacy or in promoting eye care to the community or other professions.
UNSW Recognises The 2018 Optometry and Vision Science Graduates
The University of New South Wales School of Optometry and Vision Science has celebrated the class of 2018 graduates with recognition of their dedication to studies.
High achieving students received special acknowledgement for their accomplishments throughout their degree at a lunch in Sydney in May.
Guest speaker, Dr Angelica Ly, UNSW graduate and current integrated care coordinator and lead clinician at the Centre for Eye Health, congratulated the graduates and welcomed them to the profession.
In her address she assured graduates of their decision to join a “people centric, comfortable, and gratifying” industry.
“It is my hope that in a few years’ time you might consider how much you can give back to an industry that gives so much to you,” said Dr Ly.
2018 Prize Winners
In recognition of the achievements of the 2018 Optometry and Vision Science graduates, prizes and scholarships were awarded to the following students:
Christine Yuan received the Stage 1 Optics Prize [sponsored by Transitions Optical (Essilor)] for the best performance in VISN1111 Geometrical and Physical Optics and VISN1221 Visual Optics.
Aaron Tse received the Stage 2 Clinical Optometry Prize (Sponsored by BOC Ophthalmic Instruments Pty Ltd) for the best performance in OPTM2133 The Clinical Environment and OPTM2233 Optical Dispensing.
Lincoln Le received the Stage 3 Ocular Diseases Prize (Sponsored by Essilor Australia Pty Ltd) for the best performance in OPTM3131 Ocular Disease 3A and OPTM3231 Ocular Disease 3B. He also received the Stage 3 Environmental Optometry and Dispensing Prize (Sponsored by UVEX SAFETY AUSTRALIA LIMITED) for the best performance in stage 3 Environmental Optometry and Dispensing.
Phoebe Wong received The CooperVision Prize in Contact Lenses Prize (Sponsored by CooperVision Australia)for the best performance in OPTM6411 and OPTM6421 (Contact Lenses strand) in Stage 1 of the Master of Clinical Optometry.
Both Brian Wong and Rocky Shi received the Optometry NSW/ACT Prize in Ocular Therapeutics for the best performance in OPTM6413 Anterior Eye Therapeutics and OPTM6423 Therapeutics and the Posterior Eye in Stage 1 of the Master of Clinical Optometry.
Thalia Lim received the Mivision Prize in Recognition of Social Engagement
which recognises students that have demonstrated excellence in communication, advocacy or in promoting eye care to the community or other professions.
Courtney Priestley received the Neville Fulthorpe Prize for Stage 5 Clinical Optometry (Sponsored by Judy Rainsford) for the best performance in Master of Clinical Optometry, Stage 2 (OPTM8512 Clinical Optometry 5A and OPTM8522 Clinical Optometry 5B).
Ann Wen Lim received the Designs for Vision Prize for the best overall performance throughout the Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry program in Primary Care Optometry.
Amanda Sobbizadeh received the Dr Andrew Whatham Prize for Stage 5 Centre for Eye Health (CFEH) Clinical Excellence (Sponsored by Centre for Eye Health) for the best performance in the Centre for Eye Health (CFEH) Stage 5 Clinical Rotation (Master of Clinical Optometry Stage 2).
Nancy Liu received the Specsavers Prize for Excellence in Patient Management for excellence in patient management by a student in the final year of the Bachelor of Vision Science/ Master of Clinical Optometry program.
Lowana Littlechild received the ACBO Prize in Binocular and Children’s Vision (Sponsored by the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists) for the best overall performance throughout the Master of Clinical Optometry program in Binocular and Children’s Vision.
Both Tianni Jia and Roslyn Liao received the Research Project Prize in Master of Clinical Optometry (Sponsored by Optometric Vision Research Foundation) for the best overall mark in the research project in the final year of the Bachelor of Vision Science/ Master of Clinical Optometry program.
Jin Jane Kwon received the Australian College of Optometry (ACO) Prize for academic excellence in primary care optometry, specifically in the ACO placement.
Patricia Tsong received the Luxottica Prize for the Best Performance in Clinical Ocular Therapeutics (Master of Clinical Optometry, Stage 2) [Sponsored by Luxottica] for the best performance in OPTM8513 Clinical Ocular Therapy 5A and OPTM8523 Clinical Ocular Therapy 5B. She also received the Specsavers Prize for Overall Excellence in the Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry Program (Sponsored by Specsavers) for the best overall weighted average mark (WAM) in the Bachelor of Vision Science/ Master of Clinical Optometry program, as well as The University Medal.
Robyn Madigan received the Postgraduate Ocular Therapeutics Prize (Sponsored by Luxottica) for the best performance in Postgraduate Ocular Therapeutics.
Both Jack Phu and Emma Gibson received the Brian Kirby Prize for Research Excellence in Optometry (Sponsored by The Brian Kirby Foundation) Doctoral student in Optometry with the best thesis.
Aaron Kan received the David Bard Award in Optometry and Vision Science.