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Thursday / September 12.
HomeminewsPractitioners Urged to Seek Support

Practitioners Urged to Seek Support

A video launched by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and National Boards encourages medical practitioners to maintain perspective and seek help when in need.

This video, the second in a series, provides a first-hand account of the notification process from a practitioner’s perspective.

In the video, a surgeon describes his feelings of guilt and increasing anxiety after a poor patient outcome and the notification that followed. He reflects on the value of speaking with family and friends, as well as the ongoing support of his GP and a psychologist.

AHPRA CEO Martin Fletcher said the video series aims to share practitioners’ experiences, recognising what are common reactions, while proactively encouraging practitioners to focus on likely outcomes and seek support.

“Many practitioners have told us that they would have benefited greatly from hearing the voice of other practitioners who had gone through this experience – and come out the other side. They have also told us that when they are the subject of a notification, they immediately think they will lose their registration and their livelihood – that it’s a catastrophe.

“We understand that practitioners may feel this way. However, our data show a different story. While we have a clear focus on patient safety, many notifications end without the need for regulatory action and are often closed following initial assessment, without the need for an extended investigation,” Mr Fletcher said.

View the video on the AHPRA website, YouTube and Vimeo channels.


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