The Victorian, NSW and ACT Governments is shutting down non-essential services. More states and territories are expected to follow.
Consider whether your service can be limited or reduced to avoid community contact in the best interests of your clients
What constitutes ‘essential services’ is currently unclear, however the NSW Government has provided the following advice for health and community services:1
• Consider whether your service can be limited or reduced to avoid community contact in the best interests of your clients.
• Consider whether your activities can be adjusted to enable separation of clients, avoid queuing and close confines.
• Stop travel of clients, staff and volunteers unless vital for care reasons.
• Consider the needs of older adults, persons with disabilities, and others with access and functional needs in your response.
• Other measures to protect vulnerable populations should be taken, including reduction of visitors to residential and aged care facilities for example.
Optometry Australia has advised that it is seeking clarity from Government contacts and “will be advocating for approaches to enable patients to access emergency eye care and services that cannot be delayed”. The Association will issue further announcements as information becomes available.