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Saturday / November 9.
HomemiproductsSEED 1dayPure EDOF CLs for Presbyopia

SEED 1dayPure EDOF CLs for Presbyopia

Japanese contact lens manufacturer Seed has expanded its portfolio with a daily extended depth of focus (EDOF) contact lens. SEED 1dayPure EDOF has a new optical design, patented by the Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI).

According to Seed, conventional multifocal contact lenses, which are usually zonal and aspheric, are susceptible to pupil sizes changing in response to different light conditions. As pupil sizes change, so too does coverage of the optic zones. By constructively combining a series of specially selected higher-order aberrations on the front surface of the lens, BHVI’s new patented design delivers good focus across the distant, intermediate and near ranges. It optimises retinal image quality regardless of pupil size change and lens decentration. Ghosting and haloes are minimised.

The lens has three distinct power profiles, which are equivalent to ADD powers of +0.75, +1.50 and +2.25. This gives three different depths of focus to suit the patient’s requirements. Power range at launch was plano to -6.00D, with more powers expected later in 2020.

Contact: Seed Contact Lens ANZ (AUS) 1300 373 718