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Sunday / February 16.
Homemieditorialmivision Issue 178 May 2022

mivision Issue 178 May 2022

mivision’s 2022 macula issue has been hugely exciting to work on. I believe we’ve landed a great mix of stories – from the potential for exercise and diet to protect good vision, through to the use of optogenetics to restore sight in those who were born without. We’ve covered off the barriers to treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration and we’ve explored ways to enhance the delivery of treatment with artificial intelligence, patient education and support. Thanks to Dee Hopkins and her team at Macular Disease Foundation Australia (MDFA) for their assistance in developing the content for this issue.

Coincidentally, as we were putting the macula issue together, Dee announced her resignation from the Foundation, as did Annie Gibbins from her role as CEO of Glaucoma Australia. Both Annie and Dee have made a huge contribution to patients’ eye health and quality of life by driving referrals from optometrists, ophthalmologists, and orthoptists to their respective organisations for invaluable patient support and education. In recent months we’ve seen a number of other thought leaders in eye care switch roles; it seems the ophthalmic profession is not immune to the great resignation.

Our lead news item in this issue is a good news story from CooperVision. While many contact lens companies encourage contact lens wearers to return their lenses for recycling, CooperVision has acknowledged that much more needs to be done. Partnering with Plastic Bank, they’ve initiated a four-step program that ultimately aims to achieve a net zero plastic footprint. The first step is to fund the collection, processing, and reuse of ocean-bound plastic waste, equal to the weight of the plastic used in its one-day contact lenses, blisters and outer carton packaging. But that’s not where step one ends – the people who collect the plastic receive a premium which helps them provide basic family necessities, like groceries, cooking fuel, school fees, and health insurance. When I spoke to Shannon Morrow at CooperVision, and then the company’s Head of Global Sustainability, Aldo Zucaro, their excitement was contagious!

This is an initiative every company can involve themselves with. I can’t wait to see who, in eye care, jumps on board next. Enjoy this issue.


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