At around 5% take-up compared with a worldwide average of 25%, Australia currently has the world’s lowest adoption of contact lenses by spectacle wearers.
But that’s all about to change with the launch of a powerful new consumer campaign, produced by MyHealth1st and sponsored by major contact lens companies. The ‘contact lens sales booster program’ aims to significantly increase contact lens wear by shifting consumer mindset with education, and by helping eye care professionals to “start a conversation”.
…his company’s research has revealed that 65% of all contact lens discussions with an optometrist lead to a sale
According to Klaus Bartosch, Managing Director of MyHealth1st, there is no reason for contact lens sales to be as low as they are in Australia. In fact, his company’s research has revealed that 65% of all contact lens discussions with an optometrist lead to a sale. The objective of the program he has announced is, therefore, to increase the likelihood of having that discussion.
“To help optometrists start the conversation about contact lens wear with their patients, we’ve created a unique patient engagement program that leverages all of the MyHealth1st capabilities to make patients feel more comfortable about considering contact lenses and get them thinking about the associated lifestyle benefits,” he explained.
“Thousands of optometrists who use our platform in Australia and New Zealand now have the potential to see a significant increase in contact lens sales and new patient bookings – and there is no cost involved,” he said.
“We know from past experience that this specialised program that we have developed will increase sales by 100-500% for practices.”
The campaign leverages the capabilities of the MyHealth1st platform, that are used to make optometry appointments, by engaging with patients on the topic of contact lenses before and after their appointment.
Importantly, all patients with upcoming appointments, whether they booked online or over the phone, receive educational content on contact lenses at the time of booking. They also receive reminder emails and SMS notices encouraging them to confirm their interest to discuss contact lenses with their optometrist, with a simple response that is captured and tagged against their upcoming appointment. Additionally, they’re followed up with a survey asking whether the conversation was had. All online requests and SMS responses are embedded in the Optomate or Sunix practice management system so that practitioners are aware of their patients’ interest, making it easier for them to initiate the conversation.
MyHealth1st’s program also includes online media campaigns and search-paid advertising to increase contact lens awareness and drive new patients to participating practices.
Participating optometry practices will be promoted on the MyHealth1st Optometry directory and marketplace, and by their preferred contact lens provider that is sponsoring the program.
MyHealth1st has discounted its existing online appointment booking subscription fee by 20% for optometrists participating in the program. Participating optometrists will also receive free access to all the platform’s
products that have been specially designed and integrated for this program:
• The MyHealth1st smart appointment confirmation and reminder SMS and email service,
• The MyHealth1st EasyEngage pre-appointment lifestyle questionnaire,
• The MyHealth1st EasyEngage post-consult feedback and NPS/Google review,
• A targeted online booking question that aims to prompt interest in contact lens wear, and
• Detailed reporting of the performance and impact the program is having on their business.
“That’s a suite of products valued at more than AU$800 per month that optometrists can now access, which in turn is expected to increase monthly practice revenue in excess of thousands of dollars,” Mr Bartosch said.
The team at MyHealth1st is progressively inviting optometry practices to take advantage of this new contact lens sales booster program.
“It’s a valuable investment being made into their business and there’s no cost for them to participate – in fact, it will save them money and grow their revenues substantially each month,” Mr Bartosch said, “If you are yet to be invited, contact MyHealth1st to find out if you can get on the list for phase 1, or waitlisted for phase 2.”