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HomeminewsMyopia Conference Virtual and Face-to-Face, Saturday 3 September 2022

Myopia Conference Virtual and Face-to-Face, Saturday 3 September 2022

Optometrists are invited to attend a full day conference on Myopia Progression in Children (MPIC) on Saturday 3 September.

The conference, which is available both face-to-face and online, will provide participants with up to 6i (4.75T) hours for those who attend in person or up to five (3.75T) for those who attend online. The virtual program will be available for two weeks post-event.

The conference will provide an update on current research into myopia management and its clinical application; it will review how we best monitor myopia progression and the treatment effect, discuss the individualisation of patient treatment plans and provide an opportunity to explore increasingly accessible equipment to monitor axial growth.

Long-term data for the numerous interventions, including low dose atropine and more recent publication on novel design contact and spectacle lenses, will also be reviewed.

Long-term data for the numerous interventions, including low dose atropine and more recent publication on novel design contact and spectacle lenses, will also be reviewed

An Interactive Day with Practical Advice

According to ophthalmologist Dr Loren Rose who is organising the conference, the importance of considering a sequential treatment approach to further progress our best practice for myopia progression will also be discussed.

“With the addition of intervention comes the complexity for patients and carers, including the cost and potential side effects. At MPIC, a stepwise approach will be outlined, and monitoring for treatment response will be discussed. This presentation will include consideration of the individual patient, tailoring to specific needs and presentations as part of the treatment plan. It will also include how to best navigate patient and carer expectations,” Dr Rose explained.

With gold sponsors Aspen Pharmacare, CooperVision, Device Technologies and Hoya Vision; and silver sponsor Zeiss all on site, MPIC will provide the opportunity for further discussion on recent advancements in treatment intervention and monitoring tools on the day. Different axial length measuring machines will be available for use, and industry representatives will be present to answer questions on various intervention devices, from drops to lenses.

MPIC will be an interactive day with practical advice on furthering the understanding of myopia treatment interventions, how to administer them safely and review if they are working.

“Progressive myopia in children may be the first presentation of many paediatric conditions, including connective tissue diseases such as Marfan’s Syndrome, retinal dystrophies such as congenital stationary night blindness and morphological abnormalities such as keratoconus and apherophakia,” said Dr Rose.

“During the day a panel of doctors will review cases that demonstrate treatment difficulties and considerations. This will include cases where safety or diagnosis should be considered before treatment for perceived myopia progression begins.

“MPIC is an exciting synthesis of what we know and can do for our little patients. We look forward to seeing you on the day.”

Register Now

Myopia Progression in Children will take place from 8.30am – 3.30pm AEST on Saturday 3 September at Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbour, 100 Murray Street Pyrmont.

Full registration for MPIC is AU$150. Visit: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/mpic-2022-myopiaprogression-in-children-tickets-342657276137.


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