Researchers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and nthalmic require participants for study into the perspectives of dry eye assessment and treatment practices of optometrists and patients with dry eye disease.
The research aims to find out about the dry eye assessment tools optometrists are currently using for diagnosing dry eye disease and what treatments they offer to patients, as well as the costs of treatments, barriers to current treatments and what optometrists want to see in future treatments.
The research aims to find out about the dry eye assessment tools optometrists are currently using for diagnosing dry eye disease and what treatments they offer to patient
The research aims to find out about the dry eye assessment tools optometrists are currently using for diagnosing dry eye disease and what treatments they offer to patients, as well as the costs of treatments, barriers to current treatments and what optometrists want to see in future treatments.
The project requires participants who are registered optometrists in Australia or New Zealand, or currently clinically practicing and see at least one patient per month, to complete a voluntary, anonymous, online survey.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, as outlined in the Participation Information Statement, which also contains a full description of the research activities.
UNSW and nthalmic wish to use the insights gathered to better understand the advantages and deficiencies in current treatments to help support the development of new treatments for dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction.
The survey can be accessed here.