Tecnis Eyhance Toric II offers all the benefits associated with the Tecnis Eyhance, such as improved high-quality intermediate and 20/20 distance vision,1 while correcting patients’ astigmatism.
The Tecnis Eyhance Toric II IOL is the latest innovation in the industry leading Tecnis family of IOLs. It allows patients to achieve significantly improved intermediate vision, compared with a standard aspheric monofocal IOL, along with 20/20 distance vision.1 This monofocal lens allows for high-quality vision at both intermediate and far distances1 and is specifically engineered for rotational stability.2
According to Johnson & Johnson Surgical, the Tecnis Eyhance Toric II is a game-changer in the monofocal category, as today most lenses in this category only correct vision to help patients with cataracts see things at a distance, and therefore don’t improve the intermediate vision that is required for many important daily tasks.
Contact: Johnson & Johnson Surgical Account Manager
1. DOF2018CT4015 – Clinical evaluation of the Tecnis Eyhance Model ICB00 – 6-month clinical study. September 2018. Based on a clinical study, N=134 achieved mean 20/20 monocular pooled distance BCDVA.
2. DOF2019OTH4015 – Study NXGT-103-MER3 – Proof of concept study fornext-generation IOL models MER003 and MER004. 28 August, 2019