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Saturday / February 8.
Homemieditorialmivision Issue 193 September 2023

mivision Issue 193 September 2023

Lately I’ve started to experience the signs of dry eye. Usually, it’s noticeable when I’m working at the computer, particularly when proofreading mivision, just ahead of going to print.

My eyes feel tired. The differences between t, i, and l on the page are less obvious and I find myself increasing the font size (again).

I’ve got drops, but I find the bottle difficult to use, so I ignore them.

I don’t want to bother my optometrist about it. To do so would be to publicly admit my ‘stage of life’. That would be humiliating!

I’ve read/edited all the articles about dry eye that we publish and so I know that I really should deal with this now.

But I push on.

If I am this neglectful about my dry eye, what does this say about your patients? Are they living with mild dry eye without ‘fessing up’ too?

Will they wait until it is impacting their work life and ability to enjoy a great book, before they bring it up at their next consultation.

Or will you start the conversation?

In this issue of mivision, we’ve provided you with plenty of dry eye conversation starters, and I’m sure you’ll find them quite fascinating, as will your patients.

We begin with a summary of the latest findings about the influence of lifestyle on dry eye published by the Tear Film and Ocular Society, and an article from Dr Rolando Toyos (nicknamed the ‘Godfather of Dry Eye’) about the positive impact that a defined diet can have on dry eye. Adjunct Associate Professor Alex Hui has written a CPD article on drugs available, now and in the pipeline, to treat this debilitating disease. And, given that we are entering allergy season, Professor Mark Roth has provided a fascinating article about the potential dry eye overlap with allergy.

Drawing on his experience and the literature, he proffers some methodical treatment plans for these challenging cases.

I hope these articles, and others in this issue, inspire you in your practice this coming month.



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