Alcon has discontinued two of its dry eye products – Bion Tears and Poly Gel, which are no longer available via the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). In a statement Alcon said it leverages European Union (EU) registration with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for marketing Bion Tears and Poly Gel in Australia.
“Due to EU regulatory changes, Alcon has made the difficult decision to discontinue Bion Tears and Poly Gel from Europe and the Australian and New Zealand market,” the company said.
Alternate Recommendations
While any remaining stock can be sold over the counter, Alcon has suggested the following substitutions:
- In place of Bion Tears, practitioners could recommend the PBS-listed lubricant Systane UD lubricant eye drops. This has the benefit of being available in a similar delivery format, preservative-free unit dose vials, and addresses the mucoaqueous layer of the tear film with HP Guar technology.
- Instead of Poly Gel, practitioners could consider Poly Visc lubricating eye ointment, which is also listed on the PBS. Poly Visc is a high-viscosity ointment. Alcon notes Poly Visc provides a different on-eye sensation to Poly Gel.
As well as PBS-listed options, Alcon also supplies the Systane suite of products to help manage dry eye symptoms.
Contact: Alcon Sales Representative