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Homemieditorialmivision Issue 33, Mar 2009

mivision Issue 33, Mar 2009

As we go to press, it has been reported that hundreds of Australians have lost their lives in the Victorian bushfires, the worst peacetime disaster this country has ever faced. Thousands more have been injured, lost their homes and all their worldly possessions and the entire nation is grieving.

We at mivision offer our prayers and condolences to all those who have suffered personal tragedy through the fires. We are aware of many companies and individuals who are making contributions to the cause and feel confident that all eye health professionals will do what they can to assist those who have suffered so greatly… whether it is through professional services or personal donations.

One person who is doing what she can to help people in need is Gabi Hollows, carrying on the work of the late and great Fred Hollows who spent his adult life restoring the sight of those in third world countries. In this issue, Gabi writes emotionally about her recent trip to South Africa and exactly what the Fred Hollows Foundation has been doing for sufferers of eye disease in that part of the world.She recalls how Fred told her that Africa was one of the reasons he became an ophthalmologist and how he realised that one of the most useful things a doctor could do there was to take out a cataract. Gabi Hollows’ account is a must-read!

This month marks World Glaucoma Day and Glaucoma Australia is planning to make Australians aware of the disease known as the “sneak thief of sight” and we introduce the media star who has lived with glaucoma for the past 40 years.

Ophthalmologist Dr. Colin Chan says that patients with dry eye are among the unhappiest of all, often finding the lack of sympathy and solutions offered by their eye care practitioner frustrating. In this issue, Dr. Chan looks at the use of nutritional supplements as an alternative to the continuous use of eye drops. .

In the world of business, leading optometrist Jim Kokkinakis writes that as optometrists position their businesses to service the needs of patients, there are only two options they can choose…and that is either to be a premium practice or budget practice. There is no middle ground. We also examine how Cause- Related Marketing can enhance your business.

We look at how independent labs set themselves up to compete with the multinational and in the world of fashion, Sharon Smith looks at the latest styles for office professionals and discovers the re-emergence in frame design of austere and refined styling.

We also bring all the very latest news as well as what’s new in technology and developments both in Australia and around the world.

Enjoy this issue.

Mark Cushway
Managing Editor

Contents – March 2009 mivision

News – mivision presents all the news both locally and from around the world.

mistory – Glaucoma Catching the Sneak Thief of Sight: World Glaucoma Day, on 12 March, aims to promote better awareness of glaucoma – the sneak thief of sight.

mifeature: South African Eye Health :Gabi Hollows, in an exclusive report, gives her personal account of the challenging work of The Fred Hollows Foundation in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province.

miophthalmology – Dry Eye Supplements: Patients with dry eye are amongst the unhappiest of my patients with often chronic and lifelong symptoms but often find the lack of sympathy and solutions offered by their eye care practitioner frustrating.

mioptometry – Optometry Association Reports: Happenings and events from the optometry divisions in Australia and NZ.

milenses – An Investment in Independent Optometry:Independent Rx labs are holding their ground against the multinationals because of their local proximity, state-of-the-art technology and ability to provide quick turnaround.

miequipment – The Kowa Power Tool: We review the functionality and performance of Kowa’s Alpha-D3 Fundus camera.

mieyecare – Disposable Contact Lens: We look at why frequent replacements of disposable contact lenses can improve a wearer’s comfort and vision and we cover the Orthokeratology Society of Oceania congress.

mieyecare event – The seventh Congress of the Orthokeratology Society of Oceania (OSO): OSO) was held at the Palm Meadows, Queensland late last year. We shed some light on the forum’s positive outcomes.

midispenser – Basic Lens Dispensing Part One: We continue our series of articles in conjunction with the ODMA Optical Retail Guide with Part One of a series on the Basics of Lens Dispensing.

mibusiness – The Hour Glass Economy : As we position our business to service the needs of our patients (clients), there are only two options w can choose either to be a premium practice or budget practice. There is no middle ground.

mibusiness – Cause marketing or cause-related marketing (CRM) is not philanthropy or altruism. It is based on the recognition by businesses that working with charities or good causes can be mutually beneficial providing a win-win-win situation for businesses, causes and consumers.

mibusiness – Investing in Real Estate: With a long term view of the residential market savvy buyers are taking advantage of slowing market opportunities.

miprofile – Eye Care Plus Seeing Clearly Through the Storm : Amid the negativity of the economic downturn, there are stories of success and optimism. Optometry should be one of these.

mifashion – The Master of Re-Invention: Recognised as one of the pre-eminent designers in eyewear today, Blake Kuwahara’s collaborations have made him a favourite of celebrity elite and a darling of the fashion media.

mifashion – Professional Eyewear: Step Back to Look Forward: For office professionals comes the re-emergence in frame design of austere and refined styling.

miproducts – mivision showcases three new hot products: Essilor Varilux 360 Series: Bausch & Lomb Softlens and the New Zeiss Finished Single Vision Range

The Last Word – mivision finished of the March issue by taking a light-hearted but reminicent look at lessons learnt from the Marx Brothers.



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