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Saturday / February 8.
Homemieditorialmivision Issue 39, Sep 2009

mivision Issue 39, Sep 2009

This month marks the start of Spring, the season, where nature begins its process of renewal and replenishment … and hopefully such is the case with the eye health professions and eyewear industry in this country. This is the opinion of optometrist Jim Papas, who speculates in mistory where optometry will find itself in the year 2020. He considers there are dire predictions for eye care unless the Federal Government changes its policy which is heading towards nationalised health care.

When it comes to your retail business, is a happy customer the ultimate in maintaining turnover and profits? Maybe and maybe not argues business and marketing guru John Lees.

In miophthalmology, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Dr. Kathy McClellan discusses the most common infection of the cornea – Ocular Herpes Simplex – which affects approximately one third of the world population. We bring you the first part of a two part series on this topic.

In mieyecare, optometrist Anthony Phillips, describes the corneal condition of Fuch’s Dystrophy and advises on how to explain it to the patient, while Dr. Mark Willcox and Nicole Carnt look at what we’ve learnt and where we’re heading with contact lens care.

If you haven’t already done so, then now is the time to prepare your practice for the World Sight Day Challenge (Thursday, 8 October). This day, next month, marks a point in the year where we can all make a difference and help renew and replenish the lives of so many others. In this issue we profile the global campaign to raise funds for sustainable projects that provide eye care in developing countries that lack basic vision care services.

This issue we also cover the World Council of Optometry (WCO) biannual General Delegates Meeting in Malaysia and celebrate with our friend from the United States, Dr. David Fleishman, the 400th anniversary of the invention of the telescope.

Finally, in our ‘Last Word’, we discuss a phenomenon called ‘The Slow Movement‘ which is gaining momentum around the world. The message is simple – “slow down”.

Enjoy this issue.

Mark Cushway
Managing Editor

ContentsSeptember 09 mivision

News – mivision presents all the news both locally and from around the world.

mistory – Vision Optometry’s – Long or Short-Sighted? Where is Optometry headed? Optometrist Jim Papas discusses where optometry is today.

mifeature – The Telescope: 400 Years On. This year marks the 400th year since the invention of the telescope. Dr. David Fleishman takes us through the history of this landmark optical instrument.

mifeature – Join the Challenge Jo Humphries writes on World Sight day, where many optometrists participate to help raise funds for sustainable eye care projects in developing countries.

miophthalmology – Ocular hepes simplex Part One: Dr. Kathy McClellan provides the first of a two-part series on herpes simpex eye disease.

micolumn – A view of the world from optometrist, former cricketer and former coach of the pakistan cricket team, on one of the leading issues in world of sport today : ‘fairness’.

mioptometry – OAR Optometry Association Reports: Happenings and events from Australia and New Zealand’s optometry divisions.

mievent – World Council of Optometry Conference ’09: Murphy Chan writes on the World Council of Optmoetry (WCO) biannual General Delagates Meeting in Melaka, Malaysia.

mieyecare – The Optometrist’s Practitioner-Patient Manual: Fuch’s Dystrophy: a third article by Anthony Philips, who describes the corneal condition of Fuch’s Dystrophy and how to explain it to a patient.

mieyecare – Contact Lenses Care:What we have learned and where we are headed: Mark Willcox and Nicole Carnt show important key points after the outbreaks of Fusarium and Acanthamoeba keratitis.

milenses – G2T 3D Asiana: Innovation Based on Face Structure: the bone structure of the craniometry is markedly different between Caucasian and Asian populations, Mark Thyssen reports.

mibusiness – If You Have Happy Customers You Could be Heading for Trouble: Leading business consultant John Lees takes us through the commonly overlooked problems in having ‘happy’ customers in business.

miproducts – mivision brings you a complete summary of the latest September 2009 products.

mifashion – The (generous) Spirit of Ralph Anderl :We profile Ralph Anderl, designer of ic! berlin – and discuss the benefits and pitfalls of the celebrity endorsement of fashion eyewear brands.

mifashion – Eyewear of the Stars: Sharon Smith looks at how celebrity edorsement of fashion eyewear brands can be a double edeged sword.

the last word – Go Slow. mivision write about the benifits of going slow.



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